- The victory was hardly won. 赢来不易。
- The victory was nothing less than a miracle. 这场胜利是个不折不扣的奇迹。
- The victory was a foregone conclusion. 胜利是必然的结果
- The victory was losing its edge. 胜利的兴奋已经渐渐退落下去。
- In one way, the victory was a narrow one. 一方面,这只是一次险胜。
- The victory was celebrated in many poems. 那次胜利在许多诗中受到赞颂。
- The victory was a signal for wild celebration. 这次胜利是盛大庆祝活动的信号。
- The victory was the realization of a whole year's work. 成功是一年辛勤工作的结果。
- The victory was dearly bought,ie Many people were killed to achieve it. 胜利是以昂贵的代价换来的(许多人为之丧命)。
- A monument was built to commemorate the victory. 为了纪念胜利,建造了一座纪念碑。
- The victory was dearly bought, ie Many people were killed to achieve it. 胜利是以昂贵的代价换来的(许多人为之丧命)。
- They miraculously won the victory over the enemy. 他们奇迹般地克敌制胜。
- Hurst's famous hat-trick was instrumental in the eventual4-2 win over West Germany, while one of the most iconic images after the victory was that of Bobby Moore on the shoulders of his team mates, holding aloft the Jules Rimet Trophy. 赫斯特那个著名的帽子戏法使得球队4-战胜西德,而博比·尔手举雷米特杯被队友扛在肩上庆祝的画面则定格在了人们的脑海中。
- On hearing of the victory, the nation was transported with joy. 听到胜利的消息,全国人民一片欢腾。
- His father's wisdom was hardly handed down to him. 他父亲的智慧几乎没有传到他身上。
- His victory was celebrated with music and dancing. 以音乐和舞蹈庆祝他的胜利。
- The battle was hardly contested. 这场仗打得很凶。
- The victory was typified with a play that would have been a surprise on any other team, with any other player. 这场胜利对于其他球队和其他球员来说都是一场典型的胜利。
- He won the New York and California primaries, but the victories were too little and came too late to unseat Mr.Carter. 他赢得了纽约和加利福尼亚的预选,但这些胜利过于微小,也来得太晚,已无法将卡特拉下马来。
- His election victory was just a fluke. 他的当选纯属侥幸。